
Headline Tip #2: Swipe From the Masters

by Wes Hanson on April 3, 2012

Writing copy does not mean copying someone else’s writing. But you should study what works so you can head off in the most promising direction. You learn by observing as well as by doing. To be a great (or just better) tennis player, for example, you’d be well advised to study the way Federer constructs […]

Headline Tip #1: Headlines Can Change Your Life

by Wes Hanson on April 2, 2012

Of the thousands of words you might publish, the most important will be your headlines. Even the best copy goes undiscovered and unread without a strong headline that tells the reader what’s in store, the information you propose to exchange for his time and attention. The reader wants to know where you will lead him. […]

Unless you live in Sao Paulo, which has banned outdoor advertising, you can scarcely avoid commercial promotion. From the bus stop to the urinal to the coffee cup sleeve, images and slogans bid your attention in shouts and whispers, influencing you in myriad ways whether you know it or not. The ubiquitous pitches get inside […]

Taglines are essential to help quickly define and sell transitory events and products – not just products like soap (Ivory: “99 44/100% Pure”). Movies are a good example. Ironically enough, films have always relied on the printed word to convince the public to pay for two hours of visual storytelling. Movie taglines are not essential. […]

Here are some my favorite product taglines, most of which are still in use. Add your own favorites in the comments section! Just the Right Amount of Wrong [Cosmopolitan Hotel, Las Vegas] Make. Believe. [Sony] The Uncola [7-Up] You’re in Good Hands [Allstate insurance] Works Like a Dream [Ambien] The Pause That Refreshes [Coca-Cola] A […]